HARRI is Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trusts health and wellbeing engagement vehicle, with it we are able to travel around Lancashire to talk with the local communities and individuals.
On board:
• We engage with you; to share our ideas and plans for the future and to gain insight into what your need are.
• We offer simple signposting, advice and guidance to offer the right help at the right time in the right place for you.
On board there will be a mixed group from within the NHS and beyond, which will enable us to offer you a wide range of information on many of the issues you may be facing, such as debt, quit smoking, diabetic DESMOND, Steady On, My Place, Lancashire Victim support and much more. The vehicle includes a private consulting area with disabled access.
People can visit HARRI at various locations and events throughout the year in Lancashire. For HARRI’s schedule, see below or Lancashire Care Face book and twitter accounts for the latest updates.
HARRI is one of the many ways Lancashire Care NHS Foundation is using to reach out to communities to promote positive aspects of mental health and wellbeing.