Which health service should you use?

It is important to know how to access the right medical support in the right place, at the right time, to ensure you and your family receive the advice and attention you need.

You can find a range of wellbeing support at: https://www.nhs.uk/

For advice, you can contact your pharmacy, GP or use the NHS 111 service: https://111.nhs.uk/

For urgent treatment, you can access one of the urgent care services available to you: https://bit.ly/31twUzG

In a life-threatening emergency, dial 999.

For mental health support, you can contact the Wellbeing and Mental Health Helpline by calling 0800 915 4640 or texting ‘Hello’ to 07860 022846.

More at: https://www.centrallancashireccgs.nhs.uk/…/274