“If I die it will be your fault”

Sadly we’ve recently seen an increase in abuse towards staff at local general practices. These staff go to work to do their best for patients every single day and have done during the most challenging of times for them both personally and professionally over the last 12 months. They do not deserve to be subjected to abuse. It is not acceptable and it will never be tolerated.

Please be kind, be respectful and remember that your practice team are human beings with feelings too.

All general practice teams continue to work tirelessly to provide care as well as play a pivotal role in the delivery of the Covid-19 vaccination programme.

Demand for GP services continues to be extremely high and surgeries rightly prioritise care for those who need it most by using well developed triage and assessment processes, taking into account at all times how they can provide this in the safest way to protect you and practice staff from any risk of Covid-19 infection.