
The Chorley Surgery is now using Doctorlink.

We have been looking at how we can improve access to our Practice services; Doctorlink is our online service where you can:

● Access advice

● Request appointments online

● Request Fit/Sick Notes

Sign-up is simple and you can create an account here

For all urgent appointments, we ask that you undertake a symptom assessment through Doctorlink. The symptom assessment will ask you a number of questions to help to identify your problem. The outcome of your assessment will direct you to the right treatment, whether emergency care, your GP, nurse or self-care.

If your outcome indicates that an appointment is required at our practice, you will be able to book your appointment directly on line within the identified time frame, (as outlined in the outcome of your symptom checker). Take a look at the short video below to see how the Doctorlink service work