Pregnancy and the COVID-19 vaccination

After having had COVID in April I have really felt quite torn about if I should wait to have the vaccine after our baby is born or if I should have it now. I have also been nervous to discuss the topic as I completely respect that everyone has different opinions and will be thinking long and hard like myself to come to a conclusion that feels comfortable for them, their family and their baby.

My lovely midwives have been really helpful with their advice and directed me to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. I have personally now made the decision to have the vaccination.’’

Author, podcast host and pregnant mum Izzy recently made the decision to get her #NHSCOVIDVaccine, after speaking to her midwifery team and researching information online.

Thank you Izzy for sharing why you decided to have the vaccine. When you’re ready, join the millions already vaccinated —