1st Wednesday of every month
Wednesday 4th of August is the next Carers Coffee and Chat, which takes place at The Larder Café in Preston from 10am until 11.30am.
If you are a carer who lives in Preston or are able to travel in then you are more than welcome.
These sessions are an opportunity to meet and chat with other Carers and former Carers, speak to a Carers Engagement Officer and take a well-earned break from your caring role whilst enjoying a free drink.
If you have never been to a Coffee and Chat before don’t worry! Everyone has been a ‘first timer’. A friendly member of our team will be there to greet you and offer a warm introduction.
If you would like to attend, please book your place in advance as places will be limited.
Please email [email protected] our Service Access team on 0345 688 7113 to secure your place.