Prostate Cancer & the PSA test

‘My father had died from prostate cancer and I had no idea that I would be at an increased risk of getting the disease.

You don’t think that cancer can be `contagious’ in that way so I didn’t realise that I was high risk. I was quite healthy and had no symptoms — perhaps a little bit slower passing water but I thought that was just my age.

Luckily for me, because of the Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test, the cancer was caught early and I didn’t need any radical surgery. I am still on hormone treatment but the cancer is all suppressed and long may it stay that way.

I understand that for someone who has been recently diagnosed, it can be very stressful. Men don’t talk about prostate cancer but it is so important to get an early diagnosis. It’s just a simple blood test, but can be life changing.

I have been treated really wonderfully by the NHS.’

Thank you Lance for sharing your story. Lance is a proactive member of a PCaSO – Prostate Cancer Support Organisation helping to raise awareness of prostate cancer.

If you’re over 50, Black or have a family history of prostate cancer, you’re more at risk of prostate cancer. If you’re experiencing any symptoms please contact your GP Practice.