We are looking for new members to join The Chorley Surgery Patient Participation Group (PPG)!

Please find below a few words from our PPG Chair Person Tricia, about our group

“When I was asked to join the Patient Participation Group at The Chorley Surgery I was curious as to what was involved. After the first meeting I was impressed by how much relevant information was discussed and considered. I have attended regularly since and enjoy contributing to patient care.

Michelle the Practice Manager and representative GP Partners attending are very open and informative and actively encourage participation and contributing to the meetings. All are welcome, and interested parties are encouraged to feedback using various methods if they cannot attend personally, thus experience comes highly recommended”

  • Are you a registered patient of The Chorley Surgery?
  • Would you like to be involved in how we can improve our service?
  • All patients are most welcome!

For more information and to download an application form visit – https://www.thechorleysurgery.com/about/patient-participation-group/

Appointment of new Patient Participation Group (PPG) Chair

We are extremely pleased to welcome our newly appointed Chair for The Chorley Surgery Patient Participation Group, Patricia Bradley.

As part of this role, Patricia will be managing our group meetings and make sure they run smoothly and fairly, as well as representing the PPG at surgery events.

If you would like to get involved with our PPG or would like more information please visit or new Patient Participation Group notice board, located in our reception area or contact Michelle Brisco, Practice Manager & PPG secretary on 01257 513985