Summer Edition Patient Newsletter

Spring 2023 Newsletter

Please click here to see a copy of the Spring 2023 patient newsletter

Outsourcing of private work requests

Here at The Chorley Surgery we have decided to outsource our private work requests to an NHS Digital accredited company called MediData. They will create and complete all private medical requests on our behalf. This will reduce pressure on the GP’s, improve GP capacity and ensure all reports are completed in a timely and efficient manner.

What is eMR/MediData?
MediData is a NHS Digital accredited company who have developed a digital system called eMR, which enables GP practices to create digital, GDPR compliant medical reports. eMR helps GP Surgeries with data security, speed and efficiency. eMR also helps you to easily see your medical data, stay in control of it and decide who you want to share it with.
MediData has worked hard to develop their NHS GP IT Futures accredited technology, eMR,which interfaces with our GP practice’s system to extract your medical record. This means you can receive a full copy of that information securely and share it with others as you wish, keeping
your data safe.
If you wish to speak to a member of the MediData team regarding your medical report, or any concerns you may have regarding your data, please contact the MediData directly on:
Phone – 0333 3055 774
Email – [email protected]

Please see the patient information leaflet here

Being Aware in the Hot Weather

Avoid extreme physical exertion during the hot weather.

If you can’t avoid strenuous outdoor activity, keep it for cooler parts of the day e.g., early morning or evening. Advice on how to cope in hot weather at:

Check if you are up to date with your polio vaccination

People are being encouraged to check their polio vaccinations are up to date after the virus which causes the disease was found in sewage samples in London.

The UK Health Security Agency is advising parents of young children in particular to make sure they are fully vaccinated.

Read more…/polio-found-in-uk-for-first-time…

High Pollen Levels

We’re likely to see high pollen levels this week.

If you suffer from hay fever, this means your symptoms may flare up. Our page has some useful info on easing your hay fever symptoms


Do you know how to spot and remove a tick?

Not all ticks in England carry the bacteria that causes Lyme disease. But it’s still important to be aware of ticks and safely remove them as soon as possible, just in case.

We explain more here:


Pharmacists are experts in medicines who can help you with minor health concerns.

Contact them first for advice and possible treatment.

If your symptoms suggest it’s something more serious, they have the right training to make sure you get the help you need.

Find your local pharmacy at: